So, let's get at it, shall we? I need at least three goals that support my 30-Day Vision Statement. These goals must follow the SMART guidelines... Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Did I mention that I despise making goals for the performance review process at work? I just want to be all, I am going to do my job really well until I get a new job or die. *LOL* I also hate making goals probably for the fear of not attaining them. I guess that is a form of not believing in myself. But what if my goals are too lofty? And I have horrible judgment when it comes to timing. I am always underestimating the amount of time it takes me to do, well, anything. The idea of having to make it time-bound makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Luckily, the book gave us examples and permission to use them. ;)
GOAL #1: I will have stayed sober for 60 days in a row by Friday, August 25, 2017, at 3:00 AM EST.
[NOTE: I thought it was cheating if I used 30 days because, in about 15 minutes, I'll have already met that goal. WOO HOO!!!]
GOAL #2: Every night by 4:00 AM, I will have completed either that day’s reading assignment, at the minimum, and/or finished the action steps for the 30-Day Sobriety Solution, and spent 5 minutes or more writing here in my journal until I have completed the program by 4:00 AM on Friday, September 8, 2017, if not before that, allowing me 53 days.
[NOTE: You might be wondering why I picked this random number of 53 days. I am going out of town for my cousin's wedding on September 9th, and I have no idea if I will have time to work on this, so I aim to be done before then. Plus I figure I'll need all the tools under my belt before surviving family and a wedding reception!]
GOAL #3: I will continue to look myself in the mirror daily and tell myself that I love myself and I forgive myself so that I truly begin to feel that way by the time I complete this program.
I guess I am sort of confused about setting these goals. If these are supposed to be goals specifically for my "30-day" vision statement, why would any of my goal deadlines be set past 30 days? Also, some of the goal examples in the book don't seem possible in 30 days. For example, "I will be a 'normal drinker,' thriving in life with a take-it-or-leave-it attitude toward drinking by [date] at [time]." I would love for that to be true by the time I am done with the program, but I highly doubt that is attainable and realistic! So that doesn't really apply to my 30 Day Vision then, does it? So I left it out. Again, I don't want to get too lofty here!
So now, I must determine a plan to review these goals along with my vision statement at least two times a day. Add that to previous continuing action steps... to review my "new me" statement and the forgiveness affirmation each day for 2-3 weeks too. There is more and more to do each day, and I'm only on Day 6! No wonder I feel so overwhelmed doing this sometimes! Anyway, I'm going to write these down on notecards and keep them with the other things on notecards that are on my night stand to review daily. Off to write out my notecards now...
Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl
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