Wednesday, July 19, 2017

30-Day Sobriety Solution Journal: Day 2 (Part 1)

Well, I made it to Day 2, the Purpose Solution! :) I have to say that I was slightly overwhelmed when I started reading this chapter. I got a little teary eyed. It became evident that I really don't have any life goals, and clearly this has opened the doors to using alcohol inappropriately. In all the years of therapy, group sessions, and books I've read, etc., I guess I never made this huge connection.

Given the magnitude and importance of the Day 2 action items, and the fact that it is already past 2AM again, I decided that I would break this chapter up into two parts. Which means it looks like I will finish this program somewhere in between 30 and 60 days, but I owe it to myself to put some effort into this.

Now, for today, I will simply focus on the first action item, which is creating a 30-day vision statement. Even this seems daunting. Yet another psychological tip-off that I avoid creating goals like the plague. I mean, what if I fail? It's surely easier to drink when you have nothing planned, right? Geez. it's like it's so simple, yet it is so tremendous. Here is what I came up with:

My 30-Day Vision Statement
I have a clear mind, and I am vibrant. I feel amazing both mentally and physically. My sleep is peaceful. I accept full responsibility for my actions, yet I treat myself with forgiveness, compassion, and self-love. I am grateful and proud that I have maintained sobriety.

There, I did it! I'm going to post it in the forums on the companion website as well to try to get some feedback. Then I can dig into the meat of this chapter... my "before you" and "new you" stories.

Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl

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