So I revisited those. As simple as they may be, I think those really are my goals right now... to get through the "30" days of the program and forgive and love myself. There will be more specific concrete goals later. I am one of those people that once I get going, I want to do a million things... An all-or-nothing person. And right now, it seems I am in an "all" stage. Not that I need to go back to "nothing," but I can keep it simple. As my mother always says, "you can't boil the ocean." It always makes me laugh. Who in the hell wants to boil the ocean? So that being said, I'm leaving those goals as is. Day 6 review, done.
Now, before I review the rest of the week, I decided to check out the bonus solution... the Social Solution. And alas, there are action steps, but they are not deep and emotionally charged like a number of the other ones. Here I need to write down what “I am Not Drinking” excuses are a good fit for me when I am in a social situation that includes alcohol. I had actually already thought about this because I had already been in such a social situation last weekend. Fortunately for me, I don't actually have to make up a small lie about it. I am taking a break because of my health issues and to lose weight, which will also help with my health issues. Who can argue with that? However, I was still nervous to tell people.
I, of course, practiced a whole big spiel, including many scenarios of reactions from my friends, before said social event. And I never even had to tell my story. No one asked! One person said, "Oh, you are being good! I should be too." That was it. I had certainly worked myself up over nothing. I felt like a complete narcissist thinking everyone would freak out over my beverage choice! It absolutely proved what was in the bonus reading, "The truth is no one cares nowhere near as much about your drinking as you think about your drinking."
And one last thing. I am due for a "congratulations!" I have officially been sober for 30 days straight as of late last night! It was difficult that first week, but really the last few have gone by without much of a struggle. And nope, I don't regret doing it. Does anyone? And I really don't have this urge to have a drink just because I made it. It's like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I feel free. I do still have a goal to do at least 60 days, but I'm not sure when or even if I will drink again. This was intended to be a break, but now I am actually entertaining the idea that I might take an extended break or even stop forever. The very fact that I am considering quitting for good as an actual option illuminates the fact that I am truly being honest and realistic about what needs to happen to get me to where I want to be finally. Removing the booze seems to have released my rational brain back into the world.
Okay now, off to review the rest of the week's solutions now.
Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl
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