Saturday, August 12, 2017

30-Day Sobriety Solution Journal: Day 21

30 Day Sobriety Solution: Day 21
I'm all just hanging out... all chill, like I have nothing to do... oh yeah, I have to journal! It's review and bonus solution day again! Always such a relief! But when you don't have any new action steps, it's easy to forget to journal.  And sadly, there is no bonus solution this week. The further I get on the companion website, there are less and less things. It's like they deserted the effort. The authors and coaches no longer comment in the forums. I think their profiles say they haven't logged on in 6 months, maybe even a year. And this week, one of the authors sent out an email to those of us who are registered on the site that basically proved that he has moved on to a much more lucrative endeavor... a 3-month more intensive program that costs almost $3000 per person. Clearly, he is making more from that then sales from this book! Not to throw him under the bus, I still think reading this book and doing this program is well worth it, and will continue despite the "holes" and lack of support on the companion site.

Now, what do I have to say. I went back and reviewed this week's solutions while I was at the pool. (Also possibly the reason that I forgot I still needed to journal by the time I got home!) I did read my Total Sobriety Affirmation when I woke up this morning... still didn't hit that mid-day mark, but I will do it again before I go to bed. I also woke up and stated out loud some of the things I am grateful for. I've had a pretty laid back, good day. The only thing that was bad was the news. I know, I'm not supposed to watch that negative crap, but when it's all over your facebook and twitter feeds, and the headline notifications on my iPhone. You sit there in disbelief that a town in your home state has been dealing with white supremacist neo-nazi and KKK protests where violence has ensued... it's hard to turn away. Trust that I avoided a lot of it. It makes my heart heavy. I just can't believe there is such ignorance and evil in the world. There is so much to be grateful and hopeful about. I cannot believe we are still dealing with people who want to treat others differently for the color of their skin! What an absolutely groundless mindset! I'd say those people should probably do some of the action steps in this book and worry about their own damn problems!

So I am grateful this evening that I did not have to endure any violence because of my opinion. I am grateful for those who stood up against hate. I am grateful that the people I chose to surround myself with do not hold these limiting beliefs about people of other cultures! And I am grateful for my progress with my own future and continuing to work this program and my 60 days of sobriety!

Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl

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