Friday, August 11, 2017

30-Day Sobriety Solution Journal: Day 19

30-Day Sobriety Solution: Attraction Solution
Yeah, I really don't feel like doing this today. I did read the chapter. But we have to write a new "me" statement. More goals. And I guess that is part of my problem. I don't know all the details of what I want for myself. I realize that part of this process for me is to figure that out, but there are a lot of things in my head that I am not certain if I truly want to do because I am passionate about it, or if I want to do them for some false feeling of what I should be doing or what would make other people happy, or look up to me, make me feel "cool." That doesn't seem so authentic. That's what I need to figure out. So, today's solution, the attraction solution, may well be another half-assed one.

Action Step #1: Use the "ask, believe, receive" process:
See they even say in this section "now that you have clarity about what you want..."  Ummm, clari-who?!? I still don't! I know generically I want to be happy and healthy, but I don't really know the specifics of how to achieve that besides cut back or quit drinking and work out and eat better. Anyway, the next time I am daydreaming about my life but then start getting negative about it, I'm supposed to use this process. Mostly lately I've been daydreaming about being on a future season of the reality TV show, Big Brother. But after reading this chapter, even watching the show is probably not good for me (see Action Step #2). And do I want this because I am truly passionate about it, or do I want it because of the semi-celebrity associated with it? And the book says to be realistic. Is this really realistic? So maybe I need to change my little daydreams.

Action Step #2: Change your inputs (stop watching negative, fear-inducing news, shows, stories, images, and videos, and ask yourself if the books, video games, shows, movies, etc. you choose leave you in a positive mind-frame and add value to your life):
So yeah, does Big Brother really add value to my life? LOL Other than researching it to figure out how I can win the $500,000 when I am on it! haha  I also like Snapped, 20/20, Dateline, Forensic Files, etc. Certainly, those are not good for me. But I have an interest in forensics! The good news is the games I chose to play, for the most part, are not violent... sudoku, matching with friends, farmville 2, candy crush. Every once in a while I do play Walking Dead' No Mans Land, but I turn the "gore" off. Not sure that any of those games are actually enhancing my life. But maybe they help me with keeping my mind problem-solving? Maybe I am staving off Alzheimer's and dementia? One can hope! And oh yeah, I watch The Walking Dead too. That's probably not good either, but I love it! Well, the other good thing is that I actually do not watch the news, for the very reason that it is depressing! I do get highlights of headlines on my phone, but I only read a select few. *sigh* I may not be very good at this one!

Action Step #3: Write Your New Story:
Crap. Now we are at the point that I am supposed to write a present-tense story of where I am in a year. I have no idea. I'm just going to write some stuff, and hopefully, in the near future I can mold it and fill in the blanks as I figure out the specifics of where I want to be. Oh, and I am supposed to read it at least once a week and update it as I get more clarity. Which is good since I am really not clear!

So I started to think about this, and I don't really understand how this is anything different from the "new me" statement I wrote on day 2. I guess in 17 days it should have evolved and changed, but sorry, that hasn't happened. I still don't really know what career I want, I don't know the exact hobbies I want to be engaged in, I don't even really know if I want to be dating by then, or if I just feel like I should because I'm in my 40's, never been married, and I should be with someone, and society expects that I should be married by now, or at least have a boyfriend. I can't truly imagine any kind of relationship with someone because I am still working on myself. So that's just it. My story hasn't changed in 17 days. I need more time. So instead of copying and pasting the whole damn thing here, I'm just going to refer to my Day 2 journal entry. Eventually, it will evolve and be rewritten to be more specific, but I'm must not there yet.

Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl

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