Sunday, August 6, 2017

30-Day Sobriety Solution Journal: Day 16

30-Day Sobriety Solution: Day 16 - The Quality Question Solution
Well, obviously I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. The good news is that I was really was not close to grabbing a drink. That's the number one thing I don't want to give up on. I was just frustrated with the emotions of all this work. My perfectionist self was is rearing its ugly head. I was confusing 100% commitment with 100% perfect. As tonight rolled around, I almost decided not to do anything at all because I needed a break. But then I remembered that one of my goals was to at least read the chapter and write in my journal for five minutes. So, I decided that I no longer need to take copious (a.k.a. perfectionist) notes. I mean, I was taking up to 2 hours to read and write these notes sometimes! Luckily it was one of the shorter chapters, and wow, that didn't take long at all! Good plan! So now, I have plenty of time to get to these Quality Question SOlution action steps!

Action Step #1: Make a list of the questions you ask yourself that contain negative presuppositions:

  • Why do I drink so much?
  • Why can't I lose weight and be healthier?
  • Why is it impossible to be sober and have a fun and exciting life?
  • Why am I not fun, cool, or likable without alcohol?
  • Why does sex sober suck?
Action Step #2: Write empowering questions:
  • How can I thrive in sobriety?
  • How can I be healthier and achieve my ideal weight while loving the process?
  • How can I be sober and have fun and excitement in my life?
  • How can I be fun, cool, and likable when I'm sober?
  • How can sex be more exciting in sobriety?
Action Step #3: Write your 30-Day Vision Statement question in a question format:
  • How will I have a clear mind, be vibrant, and be full of happiness?
  • How will I feel amazing both mentally and physically?
  • How will my sleep be comforting and peaceful?
  • How will creativity flow through me?
  • How will my humor be amplified?
  • How will I treat myself with forgiveness, compassion, and self-love?
  • How will I be grateful that I have maintained my sobriety?
Well, my vision statement is long, so I have a lot of questions! The better news is that, even though I have to ask these questions several times a day, I am done reviewing the original vision statement and "new me" journal entry because it's already been two weeks! Wow, that makes me feel good too!

Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl

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