Today's solution is about meditation, another topic I have already made a foray into. First, I've had therapists ask me to try it over the years. I also still have chapter 45 dog-earred in Eat Pray Love about chosing a new simple sanskrit mantra, "Ham-sa," which means "I am That," and how she finally had a breakthrough in her meditation experience. I know, by now, may people think this book is cheesy and clique, but for someone who rarely every finishes a book, I finished this one. So that means something! I took on this mantra when I would try to meditate combat my crazy thoughts and anxiety when I was trying to go to sleep. I still use it sometimes to this day, but I am not very regular about doing it at all. In addition, after a very traumatic break up in early 2014, I tried to do a free Oprah & Deepak's 21-Day Meditation Experience. I never got through the whole thing, but when they had a sale on a bundle, I ended up purchasing several of their 21-day experiences, including Creating Abundance, Miraculous Relationships, Free to Love, and Desire and Destiny, thinking if I bought them, I would do them and I could do them on my time instead of the limited time of the free version. Wrong. I have bet to finish any of them! I even bought more when I started having sleep problems (7 Days to Restful Sleep and 7 Days to Relieve Stress and Anxiety). I haven't even finished the 7 days ones! I do often use the meditation that is to be used before bed on day one of 7 Days to Restful Sleep, and sometimes it helps. I was even thinking that after I finish this program, I should really commit to doing those meditations. Well, I guess I was right. :) But for now, on to today's action steps!
Action Step #1: Practice breathing:
I did this as I was reading the chapter. This kind of breathing exercise is also familiar to me. In my early days of therapy, many many moons ago, my therapist taught me to breath this way when I was feeling anxiety or panic. I also use it to calm myself down when I am trying to fall asleep.
Action Step #2: Listen to the guided meditation and start meditating 10 minutes or more a day:
So right as I am getting ready to do this, the landscaping crew comes right by my house with their loud weed whackers and leaf blowers. haha And this whole drowsiness thing did not help! I kept dozing off and jerking myself back awake. Once I'm off this Benedryl, I will make a better effort to do meditation.
Until tomorrow...
Aspiring Reformed Party Girl
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