Here's the short version. I'm in my early 40's. I've been drinking in varying amounts for over 20 years. I have dealt with anxiety all my life, and I have had some bouts of major depression in my 30's. This year, I started having debilitating sleep issues that may or may not be related to my use of alcohol. I decided that the only way I would know is if I cut out alcohol for a while. So I did. That was 21 days ago.
Is my sleep better? Yes. But my sleep issues are not entirely gone. Does that mean I'm quitting forever? I don't know. Right now, I say no. But this has given me the opportunity to give myself a good, long(ish), open-minded break from booze, allowing me to examine my relationship with alcohol.
I will say that I am also in the process of trying to lose weight and get healthier since May 1st, so I have changed my eating habits, and I aim to walk at least 6 days a week. During those walks, I decided to start listening to audiobooks on the subject of cutting back or quitting, so I began with This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol: Find Freedom, Rediscover Happiness & Change Your Life. I decided to also mix in biographies and memoirs of those who have suffered the grip of alcohol dependence, so I listened to Between Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction, and I am currently listening to Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget. I then stumbled upon an eBook I could checkout through my library called The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home, and I just got to Day 1 today.
Part of this program is journaling. So, I figure documenting it... putting it out there in this blog will be an honest way for me to confront what I am thinking, doing, and learning through this process. And maybe along the way, someone will read it and it might help them to not feel so alone or maybe they will have a life epiphany. At the very least, maybe just one person will find it interesting, or dare I say entertaining? haha
So I have a place to start. I'm starting with Day 1. Let's see if we can get to Day 30, shall we?
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